Throughout the month of August, the Assistance League of Phoenix will take its Operation School Bell Delivering Dreams Bus to Title I schools to deliver essential-need items to low-income children.
A mobile dressing center stocked with shoes, clothes, books, school supplies, and hygiene kits, the Delivering Dreams Bus is the only one of its kind out of 120 Assistance League chapters throughout the country. It travels across the Valley to schools with a high percentage of children living in poverty, outfitting thousands of students in need.
“We could not provide the program and services to as many children as we are reaching without the support of Legacy Foundation,” says Brenda Sperduti, Assistance League of Phoenix CEO. Sperduti recalls a sixth grader named Beverly who broke down crying after receiving new clothes and shoes earlier this year. When a volunteer asked her why, Beverly replied, “I’m just so happy to be here. I feel like a brand-new person.”
“That is what we do every day,” Sperduti says. “We transform the lives of children by showing them respect. But we also transform the hearts of our volunteers when they see this happening.”
Thanks to the partnership with BHHS Legacy Foundation, the Assistance League of Phoenix has been able to increase the number of children they serve. “We couldn’t do what we do without the partnership with Legacy, but even still, we’re reaching just a fraction of the children who need the help,” Sperduti says.
With gifts from donors like you, the Delivering Dreams Bus can support as many children as money will allow. Click here to make a donation today.